Thursday, August 16, 2018

Alpha 10.1 soon


I'm running some final tests on Alpha 10.1 and should release it within a few days.

A useful new feature I added for devs is Bot Mode. By pressing a key in Debug build you can let CivilianAI takes control of the player. Hilarity ensues.

Here's a screenshot of HiScores, all of them games by bots.

Not so bad CivilianAI. Not so bad.

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for still updating this game from time to time. It really did make up a massive bulk of my childhood, and even now I come back to the game every year or so to see how long I can survive! Think the furthest I made it was when Black Ops came in. I sucked at the game lol, but it's still amazing. Hope you're in good health man, and thank you
